Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Let's Take A Week Off!!!

Reality love TV is great, but I need a week off! So instead of watching a reality love show this week I decided I would talk a little about the history of these shows that we all have came to love (or hate)! When I thought about the question of when in fact reality shows began I first thought of The Real World on MTV. I did some research and realized that I was in fact right! Reality television did in fact begin on MTV with The Real World back in 1992.
Granted I was only eight in 1992, I can say that I remember watching The Real World. I can remember thinking how “cool” the people were that were on the show. I guess in a way this could still be applied to reality shows that we all watch today. I’m sure it is safe to say that some people (especially younger adults/kids) watch these shows and like some things that they see and think that the people are in fact “cool”. Anywhere from the clothing that the people wear to the way that they talk can be considered “cool” and in fact can be imitated by viewers at home. This is a major example of how the media influences us a society. In the case of most reality shows that I watch/have watched it would be correct to say that the behaviors/ideas/dress that are displayed by the contestants/participants on these shows is in fact negative and should not be imitated by people at home! It is sad but true that we are socially taught to admire and adhere to what we are exposed to via the media.
These reality shows definitely go back awhile and their affects seem to be consistent throughout the years. The producers of these shows want to lure us in with the drama and chaos that surrounds strangers as they get thrown into a house and have to live with each other (and are usually competing with one another for something, which makes things even crazier). Though some things have changed in regards to these reality television shows (clothing styles), some things do in fact stay the same (bad attitudes).

1 comment:

  1. It is crazy how far back reality television shows go back. I did not realize how far they went back. The things that the people do on the show are considered to be “cool,” but when you think about it, it really isn’t cool. But I think this helps to keep people watching the show. The way the contestants act crazy and dress crazy keeps people watching because they don’t know what is going to happen next. But I wonder if this might affect the way kids and teenagers affect today? They might think that if they saw it on television than it is ok to act that way.
