Tuesday, February 17, 2009


This week on Rock of Love brought the third annual mud wrestling match. Apparently Brett believes the woman of his dreams will win his heart in no other place but the muddy terrain of a football field! Beverly, who has previously showed her loyalty (or should I say lack of) by kissing one of Brett’s band members began to get fed up with the “Blondtourage” as she refers to the girls with blonde hair! As the women go into the mud bowl Brett divides them into two teams, The Fallen Angels and The Sweethearts. As this show progresses there is a separation between the girls, I would classify it as one group of girls being blonde and the other being brunette! These girls are clearly looking for fame not love…but who cares right? We will still watch the show.
As the football game pans out, we saw our usually drama and craziness. Ashley even had to stop to apply her pink lip gloss after she stated that she would never be friends with anyone who wore brown lip gloss (hence the mud on her lips)! In the end The Sweethearts win the game. As a prize Brett decides to treat the entire winning team to a date, but even better he decided to pick a game MVP. The girl who would be picked as a MVP would be able to fly solo with Brett to a show in Texas and spend the night with him. Everyone was surprised he picked Mindy as she seems to be one of the “more lame” girls as the other girls would say; basically she doesn’t embarrass herself all that much compared to the others!
The third annual mud bowl is over…THANK GOODNESS, and as I’m betting there will probably be a fourth…and perhaps a fifth in the future!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I have to admit that I did watch the first 2 seasons of Rock of Love almost religiously. However, this season just seems to have lost my interest. I feel that this season is more about Brett promomting his music(which has gone slightly down hill) and getting with his groupies. It doesn't really seem like he's really looking for love anymore, but more of a good lay-over.
