Sunday, January 25, 2009

Has Reality TV Gone Too Far???

In watching last Monday nights “Best of Stallionaires” (Real Chance of Love Re-cap) on Vh1 I came to the conclusion that reality television is pushing the limits. I enjoyed watching the past couple months of the show, but clearly there has been an extensive amount of editing! In a way the editing is affecting the way we as an audience perceive what is going on. I watched the entire season but never caught wind of the “real” things that were going on and how some of the girls were actually being degraded and hurt throughout the show. When I was watching this episode the stars of the show, Real and Chance, shared footage and extra info that we as viewers didn’t see.
One girl on the show, Rabbit, was pretty much humiliated on national television more than once by Chance, the man she was trying to win over. He repeatedly made comments about Rabbit having facial and neck hair. How embarrassing I thought…how immature and inappropriate for a grown man to make these kinds of comments about a girl…especially on national television. Then I wondered…was it his fault or Vh1’s for not editing this out? I came to the conclusion that reality television thrives on personal, hurtful jabs at individuals, which is how they draw people in, as sick as it sounds…it works!
Something else that was really hurtful for two of the girls was that neither of them got picked by Chance! I especially felt bad for Cali as she was the last one standing and was under the assumption that she was the winner. I feel that Chance could have approached this situation a lot better and called both girls down at once and let them both know that he wasn’t picking either of them. He sent Risky home and let Cali stand there…awaiting for his heartfelt speech telling her she was the one, instead she got her heart broken and truly seemed devastated!
This reality show was very crude when it all was exposed last Monday. The producers hope for the worst to happen and don’t really seem to care who gets hurt or caught in the cross fire! From what I can gather about reality shows is that America as a society has grown to love the misfortunes of others and we actually tune in every week to see who is getting hurt or humiliated.


  1. I totally agree with your conclusion. When I was taking a freshman English class, we watched a documentary about someone who had worked on the show COPS and they talked about all the editing and piecing together of shots that goes on to make the story more sensational. They want the most drama possible, and if they aren't getting it on some shows, they do something to introduce it. Yet another reason why I don't care for these shows.

    I used to watch Jon & Kate + 8 a lot--for those that don't know it's a show about a family with twins and sextuplets. At first I really enjoyed it and liked watching how a family of 10 gets by in day-to-day life. But after watching several seasons, it seems to me that the parents are stretching the show just to continue with the income without too much regard to how having a camera in their house is affecting their kids. I don't watch it very much anymore.

  2. I completely agree with you that reality TV shows have gotten out of hand. There is a show on right now called a Double Shot of Love where twins are looking for love. They are bisexual so they have men and women in thier house. However, they don't have set girls and guys for each of them. So they go out n dates with all of them and do "stuff" with all of them. It disgusts me that they not only have all these men and women fighting for one of the girls affections, but that girls's sister's affection as well. Television producers will put anything and everything on TV to bring in viewers. Most of it is morally wrong, but people watch it.

  3. I agree with you about reality shows going too far. I'll bet that example with Rabbit happens to a lot of the girls off the set. Some of those shows aren't so much real as they are just edited nicely.

    Some of those shows are so out there that I think they're scripted. I don't watch much for reality TV, but I know a lot of people do because they can be addicting. Too bad there's real people's feelings hurt instead of just actors...
